We help with any support to promote independent living including advice on care packages and assistance with applications for all available benefits, Direct Payments and free personal care.
We offer a highly personalised service specifically tailored towards the individual client’s needs. All clients’ circumstances are different and we provide as much or as little assistance as appropriate.
At the first point of contact we normally visit our client at home in order to assess what is required. We liaise with the client’s GP, any Social Worker and other Professionals involved in the process. If a client is able to remain in his or her home we can help set up a care package. We are happy to monitor this on an ongoing basis and step in if any issues need to be resolved. We work closely with care agencies to ensure that a client’s needs are met. We also have various contacts we use if a client requires other services such as help with gardening.
We help our clients to access all benefits to which they are entitled including Direct Payments and Free Personal Care
At all times we work closely with a client’s family to keep them fully informed and involved.
Contact us for a quotePatricia Laughlin
Client Welfare Manager